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This person Said this about Dosu While working on
fabgat Thanks @dosu, this solution worked perfectly. Apache Superset
YucelOzcan Thanks @dosu. I am grateful for your quick, detailed and clear answers. langchain
onhate wow! langchainjs
FrancescoSaverioZuppichini damn this bot is awesome! langchain
jeromemassot Superb and helpful. Good bot, good bot :) langchain
emmanuelvisage Yep, spot on. Thanks langchain
hodgesz Really appreciate your reply. Downloading nltk package fixed my issue. langchain
guidorietbroek Love this answer by a bot 😄 langchain
RChastan Thank for the help @dosu-bot langchain
jyothish-mohan It worked!!! Thanks… langchain
Caitlin2694 Fixed and merged. Thanks all! langchain
xzy103 resolved! langchain
egeres Damn, this worked langchain
oxololuwi works thx a lot! langchain
abhishekperambai Thank you this helped. langchain
coreygarvey Excellent! This worked perfectly langchain
lauradang Resolved! Thank you bot :) langchain
mepurgamentum This worked, thank you! langchain
kevon217 wow, that was a great bot response. llama_index
rkrkrediffmail This is awesome reply. couldnt believe its a bot reply. quick and accurate. thanks!! langchain
ashbuilds Actually, I got my answer below, thanks to bot! langchainjs
linqingfan Thanks Dosu, it can work now! langchain
darshanhande11 thanks @dosu-beta The above fixes helped, closing the issue. langchainjs
youht88 resolved, thanks! langchainjs
liye199033 Thank you. See what the problem is langchain
bathroomhu Thank you so much for helping us!!! langchain
batjko Bloody hell, @dosu-beta is right. langchainjs
engeman2008 Thank you, this solved my issue ! langchainjs
Iwannabanana problem well solved, Many thanks. llama_index
mihayinoviki thanks for you langchain
StolzAlexander It worked, thank you! ;-) langchain
mattailor007 @dosu-bot Thanks a lot for the detailed input! I will definitely try this today! langchain
JackBlair87 thats crazy the AI bots are actually being helpful langchain
wanglliwang Git Bash works. The issue is fixed. Thank you for your help! langchainjs
matthiasroder Amazing, thanks a lot you wonder-bot! langchain
aaravindan101 Wow, great investigation from Dosu-bot! langchain
SynergyWiz Thanks for the amazingly fast response time! langchain
erlebach Thank you, Dosu. You answered my questions. llama_index
fredzannarbor Wow, this is way better than a human would have produced, if at all. llama_index
nishantpandey107 Thank you for response .. this is exactly what I was looking for. langchain
FrancescoSaverioZuppichini I have to say that this bot is quite amazing langchain
shufanhao thank you, that's helpful. Good summary. langchain
AlbiRadtke Hey Dosu-beta, thank you very much for you help! Your example works :) langchain
acastro2 Good bot llama_index
AjayKumarGogineni Great. That solved the issue. Thank you langchain
logan-markewich The bot is right! llama_index
economist-vivek @dosu-beta! Thank you so much for your super quick response. langchain
YIN-Renlong Thank you bot. gpt4-pdf-chatbot-langchain
mirodrr the second answer provided by the bot actually works perfectly langchain
jamesljl Thx a lot! langchain
leining121 Thank you so much Dosu langchain
connor-mccorm Brilliant! Thank you for the super fast reply! llama_index
hackedpassword Heh, helpful bot. Love em. langchain
leslliesayrus @dosu-bot Thank you so much again for all the assistance!! The Langchain project is incredible and I'm very happy with the relationship you have with the community! langchain
rlnasuti dosu-bot's solution is cleaner and it works langchain
rkritin98 Thanks for the help. langchain
SongpolR Problem solved by following @dosu-bot instruction. langchain
venurawarnasooriya Actually This Bot's answer works for me along with this document which was recommended by the bot. langchain
BillBridge Great job by dosu-bot! langchain
quantumalchemy Thanks thought is was something simple like a flag.. not obvious in doc langchain
erok415 That is a great answer and super thorough. I ❤️ bots! gpt4-pdf-chatbot-langchain
sqrt676 Thanks for the help! langchain
BabaSarf Thanks again for guiding me in the right direction quivr
haseeb-heaven Seriously now bots are commenting on these PR's wow 😮 langchain
rho715 Dear @dosu-bot,
thank you for your explanation and prompt feedback! langchain
ashokrayapati @dosu-bot. Thank you so much for the support with the above snippet. llama_index
andreprawira oh wow you are very smart huh @dosu-bot good Lord i am now scared of my future, thank you for the quick response, i will try it langchain
Civel-1 Surprisingly effective ! The second bit of code using a custom tokenizer worked super well. Well done. Good bot <3 langchain
usersina Oh, good bot! That actually pointed me to the right answer. langchain
ashokrayapati @dosu-bot. Thanks for Responding Fast llama_index
leo-gan @dosu-bot That's excellent! You've found the existing implementation! langchain
Daniel199438 @dosu-bot Thank you for your answer! You were right there was a missing Bearer token. But not the NOTION_INTEGRATION_TOKEN was the problem but a missing open ai key.
So thank you very much. llama_index
nickums the bot's response was perfect, my IDLE edit allowed a space to corrupt the "history" keyword. Brilliant!!! langchain
JinSeoung-Oh Wow, it is very helpful.
Thanks! llama_index
nobodyiam Great answer! apollo
richiam16 @dosubot Thanks that solved my problems langchain
brucethemoose Yeah I just wrote my own class. Good bot. llama_index
lvxian101 已解决,这个方案可行,我当时可能没有把代码上传更新 Langchain-Chatchat
KaterynaHryhorenko It works. Thank you! langchainjs
mc51 Have to agree with @dosubot and props to how good its analysis was! Astronomer Cosmos
pq43 tysm! dosu's really cool jupyter-incubator/sparkmagic